Color Vandal Resistant Corner Mount Camera
with 2.9mm Lens
Our color vandal resistant corner mount camera offers HAD* technology and a
2.9mm lens. Additional features include a low smear level, which prevents glare in dark
conditions, pre-set auto exposure and turbo AGC (automatic gain control). The heavy
duty housing is built to withstand the blows from a 10 pound sledge hammer.
420 line
Image Device
Minimum Ilumination
Electronic Shutter
1/3” color HAD* image sensor
1.0 lux low light sensitivity
1/60 - 1/100,000 seconds
2.9mm lens - optional lenses available
Heavy duty stainless steel
-20˚ to 122˚F
Operating Temperature
S/N Ratio
Greater then 50 dB
1.0 Vp-p 75 ohm
Video Output
Power Consumption
Power Supply
200 ma
12V DC @ 500 ma required
5.1”W x 3.3”H
1.5 lbs.
*HAD is a trademark of the Sony Corporation.
Specifications subject to change
For more information contact us at:
Toll Free: 1-800-D6o4w5n-lo5a5d1f6romInWMwewt.rSoomNaYnu: a6l3s.1co-m95. A7l-l8M7a0n0uaFlsaSxe:a6rc3h1A-9nd57D-o9w1n4lo2ado. r 631-957-3880
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